Always train using the toughest methods you can find. For example, using the app you should open and play against the toughest bot you can find. Choose assisted play mode and the computer will guide your play. Do this to learn all the right moves and start practicing the tactics and principles of chess found in the many lessons available in the app. Build extreme practice habits and your pattern recognition will increase. If you train how you normally fight you will rise.
This works not only in Chess but in life. Tackle every challenge with extremely tough preparation. Everything from test taking, physical sports, statistics, relationships, work, emotional intelligence, medicine, law and anything that you wish to excel at. Conquer yourself and any negative tendencies. Learn from both failure and success to thrive.
During a crisis, your internal focus and control allow you to maintain balance to enable you to perform well. In short, why is this so important? Internal focus and control help you manage external challenges. Training is vital, as it allows you to have control during a crisis. It is important to know and understand that it is this control that will help you to establish your own peace, which ultimately, helps you to be able to function well when the heat is on. Maintaining this internal balance helps you perform optimally during critical times.